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ERASE FRP Coolpad N3 mini erase FRP done !


Administrator !
Coolpad N3 mini xóa FRP done !
Coolpad N3 mini erase FRP done !
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----- ChuyềnMobileGsm-096.959.3456 ---
Platform: COOLPAD
Selected model: N3 MINI
Please, power phone OFF and connect USB cable.
Searching for a phone. Please wait...
Found phone on COM10
Port name: MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM_V1632 (Android) (COM10)
Detecting Chip Version...
HW Chip: MT6580: 6580.0000
HW Version: 8A00.CA00.0000.0000
Brom Version: FF
BootLoader Version: 01
Searching Download Agent...
Selected DA: MTK_AllInOne_DA_v3.3001.2018-11-07.23:57_458956, n.11
Sending Download Agent...
DA sent successfully
Initializing DA...
Synchronizing with DA...
NAND Flash: not installed
eMMC Flash: .70010054.32323730.38011993.DF8FA5E1
eMMC Flash: Pretec: T22708
DA ver: 4.2.9C
Initializing Memory Flash..
Initialization successfully completed
Sending loaders...
Loader send successfuly.
Reading Flash Info...
EMMC rpmb size: 4 Mb
EMMC boot1 size: 4 Mb
EMMC boot2 size: 4 Mb
EMMC gp1 size: 0 Mb
EMMC gp2 size: 0 Mb
EMMC gp3 size: 0 Mb
EMMC gp4 size: 0 Mb
EMMC user area size: 7296 Mb
Internal RAM size: 128 Kb
External RAM size: 1024 Mb
Reading partition...
Reading info...
Brand: Coolpad
Model: N3 mini
Device: N3_mini
Android version: 8.1.0
Display ID: coolpad_N3_mini_20181108_V5
Searching for signatures...
Resetting FRP lock..
FRP lock is successfully reseted!
Backup saved as Coolpad_N3 mini_05-09-2020_16-35-07.dump file
Version   : 2023.02.04.0
UnlockTool_2023.02.04.0 Released Update !
- Hidden icloud can logout and log in to your icloud account supported for ramdisk iphone 6G -> iphone X
- Now added drivers cable magico and anothers change sn
Samsung Mediatek
- Erase frp | factory resset via download mode (force download mode to brom)
- Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite (SM-T225N)
- Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite (SM-T227U)
- Samsung Galaxy A02 (SM-A022F, SM-A022G, SM-A022M)
- Samsung Galaxy A04 (SM-A045F)
- Samsung Galaxy A04e (SM-A042F)
- Samsung Galaxy A12 (SM-A125F, SM-A125M, SM-A125N....)
- Samsung Galaxy A13 (SM-A137F)
- Samsung Galaxy A13 5G (SM-A136B, SM-A136U.....)
- Samsung Galaxy A22 (SM-A225F, SM-A225M, SM-A225N)
- Samsung Galaxy A22 5G (SM-A226B, SM-A226BR, SM-A226L)
- Samsung Galaxy A31 (SM-A315F, SM-A315G, SM-A315N)
- Samsung Galaxy A32 (SM-A325F, SM-A325M, SM-A325N)
- Samsung galaxy A32 5G (SM-A326B, SM-A326BR, SM-A326K....)
- Samsung Galaxy M02 (SM-M022F, SM-M022FV...)
- Samsung Galaxy M22 (SM-M225FV)
- Samsung Galaxy M32 (SM-M325F, SM-M325FV)